More About Us
The hotel has a seaside beach and free umbrellas for hotel guests, a conference room, Wi-Fi and free parking, a main restaurant where you can enjoy fish-based and international cuisine, a pizzeria and two bars, one inside and the other on the beach (open during the tourist season).
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Geography of Radhima
Radhima is located in the south of the city of Vlora, now almost united with the periphery of the city. At the early border of Radhima, in the place called Ura e Vrizit, today are divided administrative boundaries between the municipality of Vlora and Orikum municipality.
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A Brief History of Radhima
For the first time on a map the name Radhima was laid out in 1118. More detailed information can be found in the book "Bota Radhimjote" written by Neki Lameborshi, in the museum archeology of the city of Vlora or the national one in Tirana where they are submitted objects discovered.
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Why choose Radhima?
The Ionian coastline is known for having fascinating beaches with deep and very clean waters. Younger crowds tend to visit the Ionian beaches as the area offers many opportunities for those interested in water sports like diving, boat tours, etc.
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Regina Garden Inauguration
Investim i standarteve më të larta të Regina Group. Zgjerimi i kapaciteteve dhe rritja e cilësisë.
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